World Combat Games
will be held in Ufa
From September 1 to September 10, 2024
The capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan in Russia
Special units from all over the world will gather at an improvised testing site to determine the best of the best in the world of special military training

For several days, in the fierce competition of the competition, special forces personnel perform various tactical tasks, during which they overcome obstacles, hit targets with various weapons: sniper rifles, pistols and submachine guns. Hostages are also being released and the wounded are being evacuated.
Types of competitions
Types of competitions
Tank Biathlon = Tank Crews Competition
Suvorov Attack = IFV Crews Competition
Sniper Frontier = Snipers Competition
Aviadarts = Flight Crews Competition
Airborne Platoon = Airborne Forces Platoons Competition
Seaborne Assault = Naval Infantry Units Competition
Sea Cup = Combat Ship Crews Competition
Depth = Divers Multidiscipline Competition
Masters Of Artillery Fire = Mortar Battery Squads Competition
Gunsmith Master = Maintenance Platoons Competition
Clear Sky = Ad Units Competition
Confident Reception = Competition Of Anti-Aircraft Missile Troops Units
Army Scout Masters = Army Reconnaissance Units Competition
Open Water = Pontoon Bridge Crews Competition
Safe Route = Combat Engineering Units Competition
Engineering Formula = Engineering Units Competition
Safe Environment = NBC Reconnaissance Crews Competition
Masters Of Armored Vehicles = Armored Vehicles Crews Competition
Elbrus Ring = Mountain Infantry Units Competition
True Friend = Dog Handlers Competition
Military Medical Relay Race = Medical Staff Competition
Field Kitchen = Food Service Specialists Competition
Guardian Of Order = Military Police Competition
Military Rally = Armored Vehicles Crews Competition
Warrior Of Peace = International Competition Of Military-Professional Servicemen Skills
Falcon Hunting = Uavs' Crews Competition
Road Patrol = Military Police Officers Competition
Emergency Area = Competition Among Emergency Rescue Units
Equestrian Marathon = Competition Among Horse Mounted Units
Polar Star = Special Operation Units Competition
Suvorov Attack = IFV Crews Competition
Sniper Frontier = Snipers Competition
Aviadarts = Flight Crews Competition
Airborne Platoon = Airborne Forces Platoons Competition
Seaborne Assault = Naval Infantry Units Competition
Sea Cup = Combat Ship Crews Competition
Depth = Divers Multidiscipline Competition
Masters Of Artillery Fire = Mortar Battery Squads Competition
Gunsmith Master = Maintenance Platoons Competition
Clear Sky = Ad Units Competition
Confident Reception = Competition Of Anti-Aircraft Missile Troops Units
Army Scout Masters = Army Reconnaissance Units Competition
Open Water = Pontoon Bridge Crews Competition
Safe Route = Combat Engineering Units Competition
Engineering Formula = Engineering Units Competition
Safe Environment = NBC Reconnaissance Crews Competition
Masters Of Armored Vehicles = Armored Vehicles Crews Competition
Elbrus Ring = Mountain Infantry Units Competition
True Friend = Dog Handlers Competition
Military Medical Relay Race = Medical Staff Competition
Field Kitchen = Food Service Specialists Competition
Guardian Of Order = Military Police Competition
Military Rally = Armored Vehicles Crews Competition
Warrior Of Peace = International Competition Of Military-Professional Servicemen Skills
Falcon Hunting = Uavs' Crews Competition
Road Patrol = Military Police Officers Competition
Emergency Area = Competition Among Emergency Rescue Units
Equestrian Marathon = Competition Among Horse Mounted Units
Polar Star = Special Operation Units Competition